Results for 'Matías Osta Vélez'

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  1. Category-based induction in conceptual spaces.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Psychology 96.
    Category-based induction is an inferential mechanism that uses knowledge of conceptual relations in order to estimate how likely is for a property to be projected from one category to another. During the last decades, psychologists have identified several features of this mechanism, and they have proposed different formal models of it. In this article; we propose a new mathematical model for category-based induction based on distances on conceptual spaces. We show how this model can predict most of the properties of (...)
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    Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Expectations Orderings, and Conceptual Spaces.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (1):77-97.
    In Gärdenfors and Makinson :197–245, 1994) and Gärdenfors it was shown that it is possible to model nonmonotonic inference using a classical consequence relation plus an expectation-based ordering of formulas. In this article, we argue that this framework can be significantly enriched by adopting a conceptual spaces-based analysis of the role of expectations in reasoning. In particular, we show that this can solve various epistemological issues that surround nonmonotonic and default logics. We propose some formal criteria for constructing and updating (...)
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  3. Analogy as a search procedure: A dimensional view.Matías Osta-Vélez & Peter Gärdenfors - 2022 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1.
    In this paper, we outline a comprehensive approach to composed analogies based on the theory of conceptual spaces. Our algorithmic model understands analogy as a search procedure and builds upon the idea that analogical similarity depends on a conceptual phenomena called ‘dimensional salience.’ We distinguish between category-based, property-based, event-based, and part-whole analogies, and propose computationally-oriented methods for explicating them in terms of conceptual spaces.
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    Methods of Representation as Inferential Devices.Matías Osta Vélez - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (2):231-245.
    In this article I am going to reconstruct Stephen Toulmin’s procedural theory of concepts and explanations in order to develop two overlooked ideas from his philosophy of science: methods of representations and inferential techniques. I argue that these notions, when properly articulated, could be useful for shedding some light on how scientific reasoning is related to representational structures, concepts, and explanation within scientific practices. I will explore and illustrate these ideas by studying the development of the notion of instantaneous speed (...)
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  5. La matematización galileana de la naturaleza según Husserl.Matías Osta-Vélez - 2017 - In La Filosofía y su Enseñanza. Montevideo: ANEP.
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    The enigma of reason.Matias Osta Vélez - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (6):995-999.
    Volume 32, Issue 6, August 2019, Page 995-999.
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  7. Logique, Raisonnement et Rationalité.Matías Osta-Vélez - 2014 - Dissertation, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  8. La Filosofía y su Enseñanza.Matías Osta-Vélez (ed.) - 2017 - Montevideo: ANEP.
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  9. Generics as Expectations: Typicality and Diagnosticity.Peter Gärdenfors & Matías Osta-Vélez - forthcoming - Ratio.
    Generic statements play a crucial role in concept learning, communication and education. Despite many efforts, the semantics of generics remain a controversial issue, as they do not seem to fit our standard theories of meaning. In this article, we attempt to shed light on this problem by focusing on how these sentences function in reasoning. Drawing on a distinction between property and diagnostic generics, we defend three theses: First, property generics are not about facts but express relations between concepts. Second, (...)
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    Review of Selene Arfini, Ignorant Cognition, Springer, 2019. [REVIEW]Matías Osta-Vélez - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (2):231-236.
  11. Reasoning with Concepts: A Unifying Framework.Peter Gärdenfors & Matías Osta-Vélez - 2023 - Minds and Machines 1 (3):451-485.
    Over the past few decades, cognitive science has identified several forms of reasoning that make essential use of conceptual knowledge. Despite significant theoretical and empirical progress, there is still no unified framework for understanding how concepts are used in reasoning. This paper argues that the theory of conceptual spaces is capable of filling this gap. Our strategy is to demonstrate how various inference mechanisms which clearly rely on conceptual information—including similarity, typicality, and diagnosticity-based reasoning—can be modeled using principles derived from (...)
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    Ignorant Cognition: A Response to Copeland, Ervas, and Osta-Vélez[REVIEW]Selene Arfini - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (2):237-241.
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    Assertion and assessment sensitivity.Matías Gariazzo - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (143):355-376.
    ABSTRACT Gareth Evans and Sven Rosenkranz have respectively formulated two objections to truth relativism that would show that this view does not cohere with our practice of asserting. I argue that the relativist should answer such objections by appealing to the notion of assessment sensitivity. Since the relativist accounts for this notion by means of a technical truth predicate relating propositions to contexts of assessment, the task left to her turns out to be to make sense of assessment sensitivity by (...)
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    Kierkegaard y la nueva fenomenología.Matías Tapia Wende - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    En las últimas dos décadas, la relación directa o indirecta de Kierkegaard con la nueva fenomenologíase ha vuelto un tópico de creciente interés. Haciendo eco de este ánimo, en este artículo pretendo leerdos niveles del pensamiento de Kierkegaard a partir de las directrices generales de la nuevafenomenología. El primer estadio refiere al carácter descentrado del sujeto kierkegaardiano frente aDios, modulación que se entrelaza con una inversión de la intencionalidad husserliana. Por otro lado,el segundo escalón apunta a la intersubjetividad, en tanto (...)
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    De la "pólis" al Estado moderno: una aproximación al problema de lo político en Heidegger.Paloma Martínez Matías - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (2):451-475.
    Este trabajo parte de la pregunta por la posibilidad de deducir un planteamiento estrictamente político de los análisis ontológicos de la modernidad llevados a cabo por Martin Heidegger. Con este fin, se examina su interpretación del fenómeno griego de la pólis, así como la distinción que en ella se establece entre esta forma de comunidad y el Estado moderno, fundado para Heidegger en la esencia metafísica de la modernidad. Para clarificar esta cuestión se atiende a la proclamación de valores que (...)
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    System's Crisis Resilience as a Societal Crisis: Knowledge Structure and Gaze of the Finnish Health Care System.Matias Heikkilä, Ossi Heino & Pauli Rautiainen - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-17.
    The crisis resilience of vital social systems is currently the target of constant development efforts in Finland, as their drifting into crisis would weaken societies’ functional abilities, safety, and security. This is also the case regarding the Finnish health care system. In an attempt to move beyond existing frameworks of crisis imagination, this article takes an unconventional stance by elucidating endogenous crisis dynamics present in the Finnish health care system. Delphi process was conducted for top experts in Finnish health care (...)
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  17. Universal Gravitation and the (Un)Intelligibility of Natural Philosophy.Matias Slavov - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (1):129-157.
    This article centers on Hume’s position on the intelligibility of natural philosophy. To that end, the controversy surrounding universal gravitation shall be scrutinized. It is very well-known that Hume sides with the Newtonian experimentalist approach rather than with the Leibnizian demand for intelligibility. However, what is not clear is Hume’s overall position on the intelligibility of natural philosophy. It shall be argued that Hume declines Leibniz’s principle of intelligibility. However, Hume does not eschew intelligibility altogether; his concept of causation itself (...)
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    El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo y la Guerra Fría: Nemesio Antúnez director.Matías Allende Contador - 2022 - Aisthesis 71:137-157.
    La dirección de Nemesio Antúnez entre 1962 y 1964, y las administraciones que le siguieron en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), son un caso ejemplar de las dinámicas político-culturales desarrolladas durante la Guerra Fría. Este artículo analiza esta gestión museal desde la historia intelectual y la historia cultural, trabajando las redes de pensamiento que rodearon a Antúnez y la disquisición entre su programación y la influencia norteamericana en ese momento, atendiendo a cómo el MAC se involucró en la guerra (...)
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    The Concept of State in Kierkegaard’s Papers.Matías Tapia Wende - 2021 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 26 (1):105-136.
    In this paper, I aim to show the evolution of Kierkegaard’s views on the state scattered in his Papers. To do this, I will carry out an analysis divided into chronological periods, and I will characterize each period in terms of its main features. The goal is to give a comprehensive account of Kierkegaard as a champion of the monarchical and authoritative state, who loses his patience and attacks the established order only when he thinks that Christianity’s truth is at (...)
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    Ontologías de lo común en el pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito: entre ética y política.Matías Saidel - 2013 - Isegoría 49:439-457.
    El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre el pensamiento de la comunidad en Giorgio Agamben y Roberto Esposito. Ambos interrogan lo común desde una perspectiva impolítica que intenta deconstruir los presupuestos de la metafísica y de la filosofía política tradicionales para poder elaborar una conceptualidad afirmativa en clave ontológica. En estos autores predomina el recurso a la figura de la comunidad, situada luego en el horizonte de la biopolítica, ya que la vida deviene el centro hacia el cual apuntarían los dispositivos de (...)
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  21. Time Series and Non-reductive Physicalism.Matias Kimi Slavov - 2019 - KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 19 (1):25-38.
    McTaggart famously introduced the A- and B-series as rival metaphysical accounts of time. This paper shall reorient the debate over the original distinction. Instead of treating the series as competing theories about the nature of time, it will be argued that they are different viewpoints on a world that is fundamentally physical. To that end, non-reductive physicalism is proposed to reconcile the series.
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    Historia, estructura y experiencia. Relaciones metodológicas entre Michel Foucault y Georges Dumézil.Matías Abeijón - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (169):153-179.
    Se investiga la metodología estructural deHistoire de la folie à l’ageclassique. Se sos- tiene que Michel Foucault, a partir de los trabajos de George Dumézil, elabora el concepto de experiencia para dar fundamento a las diversas experiencias históricas de la locura. La experiencia epocal, desarrollada en aquel texto, apela a una causalidad estructural que proviene del esquema de la trifuncionalidad ideológica indoeuropea de las obras de Dumézil.
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    Las relaciones internacionales en el contexto de la diplomacia en la nueva granada. 1819-1850.Jhon Jairo Acevedo Vélez - 2009 - Ratio Juris 4 (8):121-132.
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    Mirar-actuar a distancia Esfera pública, sufrimiento y compasión.Jorge Iván Bonilla Vélez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):11-38.
    Este texto recoge parte de las reflexiones y del desarrollo del capítulo 5 del libro La barbarie que no vimos: Fotografía y memoria en Colombia. Aquí algunas preguntas que se intentan responder en este ensayo: ¿son las tecnologías las únicas responsables de la imposibilidad de ejercer una contemplación activa frente al infortunio de los demás? A propósito de la Parábola del Buen Samaritano, ¿este habría sido reemplazado por el espectador distante o implicado? ¿Qué sucede cuando ese espectador, de tanto ver (...)
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    Arquitectura mutable en la vivienda unifamiliar.Matías Borgeaud - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 1 (13):96-99.
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    Individualism and the metaphysics of actions.Matias Bulnes - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):113-132.
    I examine an intuitive property of folk-psychological explanations I call self-sufficiency. I argue that individualism cannot honor this property and work toward distilling an account of psychological explanation that does honor it, given some fairly standard assumptions. In doing so, my preference for an Externalist individuation of intentional state will emerge unambiguously. The assumptions I rely on are fairly standard but not uncontroversial. Yet not always do I attempt to defend them from objections. My goal is an account of folk (...)
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    Claude Lefort: Los derechos humanos como el fundamento Del orden democrático.Matías Cristobo - 2011 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 7.
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    Reinforcement learning with limited reinforcement: Using Bayes risk for active learning in POMDPs.Finale Doshi-Velez, Joelle Pineau & Nicholas Roy - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):115-132.
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    DNMT cooperativity—the developing links between methylation, chromatin structure and cancer.Assam El-Osta - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1071-1084.
    Controversy has reigned for some time over the biological connection between DNA methylation and cancer. For this reason, the methylation mechanism responsible for increased cancer risk has received greater attention in recent years. Tumor suppressor genes are often hypermethylated resulting in gene silencing. Although some have questioned this interpretation of the link between methylation and cancer, it appears that both hypermethylation and hypomethylation events can create epigenetic changes that can contribute to cancer development. Recent studies have shown that the methyltransferases (...)
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    Estudios decoloniales y poscoloniales. Posturas acerca de la modernidad/colonialidad y el eurocentrismo.Martha Isabel Gómez Vélez, Dora Cecilia Saldarriaga Grisales, María Claudia López Gil & Lina María Zapata Botero - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (24):27-60.
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    La plausibilidad conceptual del dualismo mente-cuerpo. Una nueva defensa del argumento modal.Matías Alejandro Guirado - 2016 - Discusiones Filosóficas 17 (28):115-134.
    La principal objeción contra al dualismo cartesiano en filosofía de la mente es que resulta incompatible con la ciencia. Se sostiene, en particular, que el principio de clausura causal del mundo físico y el teorema de preservación de la energía, así como el concepto de interacción dinámica de la física fundamental, desautorizan la postulación de interacciones causales entre sustancias pensantes y sustancias extensas. En este trabajo sostengo que esta conclusión es por lo menos apresurada y que no es un asunto (...)
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    Notas sobre la situación Del arte contemporáneo en Ecuador [Notes on the situation of contemporary art in Ecuador].Paulo Vélez León - manuscript
    This paper proposes to give a brief overview of the state of contemporary Ecuadorian art. The first section defines the concept and practice of contemporary art in relation to ethics and truth. The second section deals with "problems" that beset the creators, curators and art critics, art market, and consumers, makes a brief allusion to the state of higher education in arts. In this section, although it emphasizes the fragility of Ecuadorian contemporary art, also noted that each of the states (...)
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    Rereading Nietzsche in Theory.Magdalena Ostas - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (1):65-80.
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    Corporate Beneficence and COVID-19.Daniel T. Ostas & Gastón de los Reyes - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (1):15-26.
    This article explores the motives underlying corporate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis begins with Thomas Dunfee’s Statement of Minimum Moral Obligation (SMMO), which specifies, more precisely than any other contribution to the business ethics canon, the level of corporate beneficence required during a pandemic. The analysis then turns to Milton Friedman’s neoliberal understanding of human nature, critically contrasting it with the notion of stoic virtue that informs the works of Adam Smith. Friedman contends that beneficence should play no (...)
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    El principio de beneficencia como articulador entre la teología moral, la bioética y las prácticas biomédicas.Luis Emilio López Vélez & Guillermo León Zuleta Salas - 2020 - Franciscanum 62 (174):1-30.
    A través del presente ejercicio investigativo y hermenéutico se busca proponer la beneficencia como principio articulador entre la Teología Moral de la Persona, la Bioética y las Prácticas Biomédicas, con el fin de salvaguardar al ser humano de forma integral y desde el ámbito interdisciplinar, frente a la manipulación y menoscabo de la persona en su: dignidad, status antropológico, verdad ontológica y trascendente, lo cual nos lleva a proponer alternativas, dadas las nuevas circunstancias por las que atraviesa la humanidad; y (...)
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    Form(s)-of-life: agamben's reading of Wittgenstein and the potential uses of a notion.Matías Leandro Saidel - 2014 - Trans/Form/Ação 37 (1):163-186.
    Giorgio Agamben and Ludwig Wittgenstein seem to have very little in common: the former is concerned with traditional ontological issues while the latter was interested in logics and ordinary language, avoiding metaphysical issues as something we cannot speak about. However, both share a crucial notion for their philosophical projects: form of life. In this paper, I try to show that, despite their different approaches and goals, form of life is for both a crucial notion for thinking ethics and life in-common. (...)
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    The Strategic Management of Government Affairs in Brussels.Matia Vannoni & David Coen - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (4):612-641.
    This article explores the strategic management of government affairs in companies active in the EU. The article relies on a unique large-N dataset on the functioning and staffing of EU government affairs. The analysis shows that companies delegate government affairs functions to in-house managers with specific competences, who stay in office for long periods and who have an extensive knowledge of the core competences of the company, thanks to their educational background and work experience in the private sector. These findings (...)
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    Ethics of contract pricing.Daniel T. Ostas - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (2):137 - 145.
    This study explores the legal and ethical issues associated with contract pricing. In particular, it focuses on a set of legal precedents which have addressed the enforceability of allegedly unfair contract prices. Traditionally, the common law has emphasized the consent of the parties. If the parties consented to a given price; it is presumptively fair and enforceable. The cases reviewed in this study, however, seem to draw upon alternative moral conceptions of fairness not normally associated with the common law. The (...)
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  39. Eternalism and Perspectival Realism About the ‘Now’.Matias Slavov - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1398-1410.
    Eternalism is the view that all times are equally real. The relativity of simultaneity in special relativity backs this up. There is no cosmically extended, self-existing ‘now.’ This leads to a tricky problem. What makes statements about the present true? I shall approach the problem along the lines of perspectival realism and argue that the choice of the perspective does. To corroborate this point, the Lorentz transformations of special relativity are compared to the structurally similar equations of the Doppler effect. (...)
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    Eye contact elicits bodily self-awareness in human adults.Matias Baltazar, Nesrine Hazem, Emma Vilarem, Virginie Beaucousin, Jean-Luc Picq & Laurence Conty - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):120-127.
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    La gravitación de ciertos conceptos sorelianos en el pensamiento de Mariátegui.Matías Zucconi - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 48 (1):013-013.
    The concept of “revolutionary myth” is the idea of Georges Sorel most influential in the thinking of José Carlos Mariátegui. However, this concept does not work the same way in both authors, mainly because it is applied in each case on markedly different national situations, such as France and Peru in the early twentieth century. For this reason it is important, regardless of the theoretical similarities, expressed as the difference between a general strike myth, linked to European industrial proletariat, and (...)
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    Entre dioses y hombres: para una interpretación del problema de lo divino y lo sagrado en el pensamiento de Martin Heidegger.Paloma Martínez Matías - 2014 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 31 (1):155-176.
    En confrontación con las interpretaciones que asignan un significado religioso o teológico a las referencias a los dioses, a lo sagrado, o al “último dios” presentes en la obra de Martin Heidegger, este trabajo defiende una lectura en clave estrictamente ontológica de tales referencias. Para ello, se remite al diálogo que Heidegger mantiene con la poesía de Hölderlin y se argumenta que el significado que atribuye a la invocación hölderliniana a los “dioses huidos” depende del carácter ontológico que, en otro (...)
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  43. The Law and Ethics of K Street.Daniel T. Ostas - 2007 - Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (1):33-63.
    This article explores the law and ethics of lobbying. The legal discussion examines disclosure regulations, employment restrictions,bribery laws, and anti-fraud provisions as each applies to the lobbying context. The analysis demonstrates that given the social value placed on the First Amendment, federal law generally affords lobbyists wide latitude in determining who, what, when, where, and how to lobby.The article then turns to ethics. Lobbying involves deliberate attempts to effect changes in the law. An argument is advanced that because law implicates (...)
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  44. Crítica del isomorfismo de los modelos estructuralistas.David Calvo Vélez - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):57-72.
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    The Copernican Revolution as a Problematic Example of Theoretical Change.Matías Daniel Giri - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):53-61.
    In his article “La verdad y el éxito de la ciencia: A propósito de un artículo de P. Kyle Stanford” (2002), Manuel Comesaña addresses fundamental questions about the nature and success of science, taking P. Kyle Stanford’s article as a reference for his critical analysis. Although the central focus of both works is not specifically on the Copernican Revolution, it is relevant to analyse how both authors use this historical example from astronomy to illustrate their metaphysical commitments. Rigorous analysis of (...)
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    Eternalism.Matias Slavov - 2024 - The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Eternalism is a metaphysical view regarding the nature of time. It posits the equal existence of all times: the past, the present, and the future. Every event, from the big bang to the heat death of the universe, including our births and deaths, is equally real. -/- Under standard eternalism, temporal locations are somewhat akin to spatial locations. No place is exclusively real. When someone says that they stand ‘here’, it is clear that the term ‘here’ refers to their position. (...)
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    Adoption and Bonobos: An Analysis of the Conceptual Assumptions within Biological Cooperation.Mateo Arias-Vélez - 2024 - Revista Filosofía Uis 23 (2):139-154.
    Martin Nowak (2011; 2013) proposes five mechanisms for biological cooperation: kin selection, direct reciprocity, indirect reciprocity, net reciprocity, and group selection, which should explain every altruistic behavior. To test this, this paper presents two cases of adoption and alloparental care from two bonobo mothers to orphans outside of the group (Tokuyama et al., 2021). These cases demonstrate that none of the mechanisms proposed by Nowak accomplishes to explain altruistic behavior altogether. Finally, this paper challenges the assumptions that underlie Nowak’s theory (...)
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    Non-narrative Protestan goods ; Protestan ethics and Kierkegaardian selfhood.Matias Møl Dalsgaard - 2015 - In John Lippitt & Patrick Stokes (eds.), Narrative, Identity and the Kierkegaardian Self. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 161-168.
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    Análisis crítico de la redefinición de “ideología” en el pensamiento político contemporáneo.Matías González - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (1):93-115.
    El presente trabajo analizará una serie de esfuerzos teóricos recientes vinculados a la posible redefinición y aprehensión conceptual de los fenómenos de ideología en las sociedades contemporáneas. El estudio desplegará algunos de los problemas que se presentan al interior de esta clase de esfuerzos conceptuales, enfocando especialmente en el contexto del pensamiento político de raíces postestructurales y lacanianas. Se observará, en suma, el modo en que dichas redefiniciones confrontan con ciertas dificultades o generan tensiones conceptuales debido al tipo de presupuestos (...)
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    La construcción mediática de la fama.Matías Keismajer - 2010 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 1.
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